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[Paul Brennan] All right, coming up in just a few moments here at RCR, Barry Young, the whistleblower, you will hear from him an interview that Alistair Harling of RCR did, I think just before the weekend. And Alistair joins us quickly now just to tell us about how that came together before we hear the interview. Morning Alistair,

[00:00:43] [Alistair Harding] morning Paul.

[00:00:45] [Paul Brennan] Okay, so Barry Young, people have been sending us correspondence saying you've got to get this guy on, so you managed to catch up with them. How did they come together quickly?

[00:00:57] [Alistair Harding] Yeah, last week I was down in the Wellington region where he's from and we got in touch. And we met together halfway at Woodville. We went and met together and we sat down and we had a good chat and we recorded the interview about to hear and just heard all about what's been going on for him. I met him on me on Thursday. So that was one week after he had put out his initial video and putting out all the information to the world. And it just struck me as I was listening to him that there's just an absolute willful blindness that's going on here. We don't know for sure what the data says because like I'm not a data analyst. But when you look at the way that the media has treated all of this, the way that the government has treated it, nobody's actually asked him yet what it is that he's trying to say, what it is that the data says, all they're doing is trying to smear him. And he's holding up extremely well. It was really quite incredible. He's a very brave man and he was able to come and meet me and talk through all the different details. And what we're seeing is just a willful blindness. It reminds me of last year we were at the Auckland Domain for a Freedom and Rights Coalition protest and Casey Hodgkinson and Rob Martin, two people that were Vax injured got up to speak and they're sitting there in their wheelchairs that they're sitting in their wheelchairs because of the vaccine. And Rob Martin is so bad, his nervous system so bad that his hand was shaking and someone had to hold the microphone for him. And I turned my cameras on that day back around to the media who were there and that all turned their cameras off and they were all playing on their phones and so on. And that's what we're looking at here. The same thing with Barry Young - is a willful blindness that they just don't want to hear what he has to say. And I think it's very disturbing.

[00:03:07] [Paul Brennan] Well Alistair, thank you for making the effort and connecting with Barry Young and doing this interview on Reality Check Radio. We're going to have a listen to it now. And thanks for coming on and sort of giving us a bit of a background of there before we hear it.

[00:03:25] [Alistair Harding] Yeah, no problem Paul. And yeah, let's just hope that this willful blindness will end because Barry Young's not the last person that's going to come forward with information like this. He's not the last whistle-blower. And I think as we go through every day, studies are coming out, information is coming out every day that just shows, we know now lockdowns were illegal. We know that the mandate's caused mass loss of jobs, loss of businesses, countless unreported injuries, even med safe acknowledges that. Studies show about how lockdowns harmed kids' education, harmed masks, all of these different things. And until we have some sort of acknowledgement of what people like Barry Young are trying to say, I don't think this is ever going to end. They're not going to make this go away just by silencing him. So yeah, the first thing I asked Barry was, how's he feeling?

[End of Introduction, Start of Interview with Barry]

[00:04:27] [Barry Young] I'm a little bit tired, to be honest with you, despite all the coffee. It's been quite busy few days, but it's good to be on the outside. My life prior to this was being in the shadows, being anonymous, being pretty much unknown. What I do is just my life is at a desk and a computer, and that's it. We don't really socialise as DBAs, it's my job title, database administrator. We just, IT is our world, data is our world, and we're picked because we're reliable, honest, trustworthy, tick all the boxes. We can be vetted by governments, come out, all good, and we're trusted with the world's most sensitive data.

[00:05:18] [Alistair Harding]

[00:05:27] [Barry Young] All right, I'm from a place called Chopple, which is in the northeast of England. So if anyone says I'm alt-right, alt-right-wing, I'm absolutely not. I'm labour-thruined through. Always was, always have been. And I'm from a pit village, ex-pit village called Chopple, mine in village. And it's typical one in the valley. And so left-wing there, we have streets called Marx, Tarrus, Lenin, Tarrus, Engels, all the old guys from the communist era, streets unammed after those guys. And our pit village was the first one that went on strike in the great strike of 1924, and the last one to go back to work. There was a huge strike caused a huge thing. And our pit banner, every single mine had a pit banner when they went marching and playing bands and stuff. Our hangs in the Kremlin Museum in Moscow, Russia. I'm a regular guy. I'm just a normal guy. I've been labour all my life. So there's nothing conspiracy theory about me. Just a regular normal Joe.

[00:06:29] [Alistair Harding]

[00:06:31] [Barry Young] I came here in 1996 and just fell in love with the place. So basically, 23 years.

[00:06:38] [Alistair Harding]

[00:06:41] [Barry Young]

[00:07:14] [Alistair Harding]

[00:07:16] [Barry Young]

[00:08:58] [Alistair Harding]

[00:09:05] [Barry Young] Yeah, yeah. It's a complete data set. There's nothing fudged about it. It is just the pay per dose contract system. So every single person that went to one of the vaccination centers that went through this procedure and it records a lot of minute details from the start and time of the service when they sat down to talk to the nurse or whatever, to the end time when the needle was pulled out of the arm, records a lot of information. And then from that, they send the files that the provider produces to one of our servers. It comes into my database. It gets validated and processed. It gets enriched. Got through a complicated rules engine to make sure everything's okay. And then gets an audit record popped into it to say, yep, everything checks out. This person can now be paid for that transaction. So there's nothing funny about it. It's a complete record of all the valid transactions. Yeah. So there's no unvaccinated people on there. Every single one of them in there is vaccinated. It's, you know, because it's, we pay for the vaccinations. So obviously they're all vaccinated who are on the table. It records deaths, data deaths and data births. So from that, you can ascertain mortality rates and age groups within that.

[00:10:34] [Alistair Harding] So what did you see? What does this data show?

[00:10:36] [Barry Young]

[00:10:55] [Alistair Harding]

[00:11:02] [Barry Young] It's something I noticed in the data. I was always, I like stats and information and data. That's my thing. It's a bit nerdy, but you know, it's, and what I like about data and computers and IT is that it tells you the truth. There's no bullshit. It doesn't lie. A computer does not lie. It's either one or zero. It's basically what's made out of. When you look at the data, it's like, see the truth. It's like seeing the truth. And it's a cool thing. And then you can put garbage and you get garbage out. But your job is to make sure that the data is accurate. And it's not molested or changed or manipulated in any way. That's critical. It's got to be an accurate thing. Otherwise, if it's a financial record, then there's a fraud going on. So it's very important that the data is 100% accurate. So I would never, ever manipulate or do anything with it. So what did you say? What I saw, right, was it blew my mind. Just looking at it, there was a data desk column. So I just thought, oh, you know, it's interesting. And then I scroll through. And then I just saw, holy shit. There's a whole bunch of deaths in a cluster that just shouldn't happen. And I know that just by scrolling through data, you would see one or two deaths per couple of hundred, which would reflect the mortality rate. But that's average. But you scroll through screens and screens of data. And then you say, oh, data, death, data, data, data, data. But then when you see a whole bunch of them, all at the same time, all injected within a couple of hours of each other at the same site, usually by the same person, that's a screaming red flag. And then I realized, these are human lives. It's different to a bank, just numbers, financial transactions. It doesn't really mean a lot. But when you connect the dots and you see that these are people, then it's real.

[00:13:12] [Alistair Harding]

[00:13:19] [Barry Young]

[00:14:10] [Alistair Harding]

[00:14:14] [Barry Young]

[00:15:03] [Alistair Harding]

[00:15:05] [Barry Young]

[00:15:32] [Alistair Harding]

[00:15:38] [Barry Young] Just the statistics. I know these are people's lives, but I've anonymised, redacted. And at the end of the day, it's just statistics. So what we need to do, look at it. Unbiased, no agenda. Be skeptical about it. And just look at the data and see what it says.

[00:16:01] [Alistair Harding] And what do you think it says?

[00:16:04] [Barry Young] I think from doing my own rudimentary analysis and basic probability theory is that if you got a mortality rate of even 50%, which is astronomical, it's a tiny, tiny chance that you can do that. You'd need to throw like 100 billion coins to get that level of the clusters happening. Those events happening. One after the other. Bang, bang, bang, bang. So it's like all these people in a vaccination centre, they're all injected. One after the other, and now they're all dead. That would not exist by chance.

[00:16:44] [Alistair Harding]

[00:16:51] [Barry Young]

[00:17:22] [Alistair Harding]

[00:17:29] [Barry Young]

[00:18:08] [Alistair Harding]

[00:18:12] [Barry Young]

[00:18:36] [Alistair Harding]

[00:18:40] [Barry Young]

[00:19:00] [Alistair Harding]

[00:19:06] [Barry Young] The people of New Zealand are beautiful. And the reaction I've had is like, yes, we need to have an inquiry. It's government data. It belongs to the people of New Zealand. That's who I see as my employer. So I want the data to be in the public domain so it can be looked up and analyzed and prove that it's safe and effective.

[00:19:32] [Alistair Harding] Did you try and raise this with your employer? Raise it internally inside Health New Zealand before you went public with it?

[00:19:41] [Barry Young] I did try and raise it to the executive leadership team and I sent an email to every single member of Parliament. And for days before it was due to come out, which I knew it had to, I was trying desperately to reach Winston Peters to tell him, I could do you a huge favor here. I could make you the greatest New Zealander in history if you just listened to us and do what you elected to do. Fulfill your campaign promise because they're all about before the election. Yeah, they'll talk to you. They'll have meetings and all up and down the country. Every single one of them. But then once they're elected, they're gone with a little hole in the quiet. So Winston, I came out of hiding. My Winston Smith, everyone knows who I am. It's time you came out of hiding as well.

[00:20:36] [Alistair Harding]

[00:20:41] [Barry Young]

[00:21:23] [Alistair Harding]

[00:21:38] [Barry Young]

[00:23:04] [Alistair Harding]

[00:23:19] [Barry Young]

[00:24:10] [Alistair Harding] So can you tell me now why did you do this with everything that you knew would happen? You knew that this was going to be how it would end up surely.

[00:24:20] [Barry Young]

[00:24:42] [Alistair Harding]

[00:24:45] [Barry Young]

[00:25:09] [Alistair Harding] What do you think your future is then?

[00:25:09] [Barry Young] Well, we'll find out and if it comes down to it, if this is the revenge that New Zealand wants. And I don't know, it's the people, the beautiful people of New Zealand deserve to know the truth. But if it's what those people in charge and power, if this is what they want, here's my heart. Come and take it.

[00:25:48] [Alistair Harding]

[00:25:58] [Barry Young]

[00:26:11] [Alistair Harding]

[00:26:14] [Barry Young]

[00:26:34] [Alistair Harding]

[00:26:37] [Barry Young]

[00:26:56] [Alistair Harding]

[00:27:04] [Barry Young]

[00:28:28] [Paul Brennan]


TranscriptBarryYoungsRealityCheckRadioRCR2023-12-08 (last edited 2023-12-14 15:14:50 by Jade)