Transcription of Steve Kirsch Russell & Brand Discussing First Leak of Public-Vaccine-Death-Data (NZ Whistleblower) 2023-12-07 Dec 7th

Link to video Transcribed - 53 minutes - 2023-12-07. Dec 7th

[Russell Brand] Steve, thank you so much for joining us today.

[Steve Kirsch] Thank you Russell for inviting me.

[Russell Brand] You are here to participate in Andrew Bridgen’s, parliamentary discussion into the COVID inquiry, the events around the pandemic. Dave Martin, who's been a guest on the show, participated as well as Robert Malone. Why did you participate in that event and how successful was it as a conversation?

[00:00:27] [Steve Kirsch] Well, Andrew invited me to speak. I have a unique perspective, which we'll talk about shortly. And so I came to the UK to speak with Parliament. There were over 20 members of Parliament present for that session, which actually surprised me because I expected to see only Andrew Bridgens as the only member of Parliament because normally when Andrew talks, everybody leaves the chamber. You know, there are 650 members of Parliament. And when he goes in, 649 leave, and they don't want to hear what he had to say. And so I was actually surprised. I was expecting maybe one member of Parliament, but we got 20. And they thanked us afterwards, and they said they had no idea about what was going on, and they wanted copies of the presentation, and they wanted follow-up, and they wanted to know what questions they needed to ask the regulators. And so I thought it was just marvelous. I was shot because I expected only to have Andrew as the only MP in the room. So this was a very pleasant surprise. It was completely unexpected, and it just shows you how far we've come.

[00:01:43] [Russell Brand] Yeah, I'm pretty surprised to learn that as well, Steve. That's, I suppose, 3% or 4%. And it's a global issue, and it's a significant issue. And I know by your reckoning, it's an epochal and defining issue, the way that the pandemic unfolded, the way it affected democracy, the way it affected the pharmaceutical industry, the way it affected personal liberty. And I suppose, yes, particularly while this COVID inquiry is taking place in our country, which many people believe to be, if not a staged event, as many people believe it's certainly rather shallow when it comes to the depth of the inquiry, the type of questions that are being asked, and more significantly the questions that are not being asked. Before we get into numerous subjects, notably and including Barry Young's data revelations from New Zealand and the terrifying implications of those, I just wanted to personally understand, Steve, why you as someone that, as I understand, made a lot of money from tech, like from technological innovation and your own sites and entrepreneurialism, why have you got involved in such a potentially contentious issue or undoubtedly a contentious issue, unless you're saying, broadly speaking, support in the mainstream narrative, why have you got an involved in this subject?

[00:03:01] [Steve Kirsch] Well, first, I want to say that I trusted the government. I trusted our government. I trusted the CDC. I trusted the FDA. I got two shots. I have two shots of Moderna and had some side effects, but it was when I started hearing from people I knew that really got to me. So I got a direct message on Twitter from one of my followers, and she said that she asked me, is the vaccine safe? And I said, yeah, of course it's the safest thing ever. And so I'm like singing from the hymnbook. And I said, why do you ask? Don't you know? Everybody knows. It's super safe. They've said it's been tested and safer than anything they've ever put out. And she said, well, three of my relatives got the vaccine and they died a week later and they were perfectly healthy. And I said, well, that's impossible. And she said, yeah, but they're dead. And that was kind of like a moment for me. And I thought maybe I was being pranked, but maybe not. And I just put it away. And then about a week later, our carpets were being cleaned. And the carpet cleaner that we used came to the door. He's wearing a mask. I'm giving him a hard time. I say, hey, you know, why are you wearing a mask? Don't you know, if you get two vaccinations, you don't have to wear a mask anymore. And he said, well, I only got one. And I had a heart attack two minutes after I got the shot. And I had to spend the night in the hospital. And I've never felt the same sense. And so when that happened, that was the other shoe to drop. And I started looking at the data. And I started investigating Taveras. And I basically put my job on hold because what I found was very troubling. So this anecdote that started it was impossible. If the shots only kill one in a million people, that anecdote is impossible. And so someone was lying to me. And the fact that the United States government could be lying to its people about the safety of a vaccine, for me was unbelievable. And so everything that I looked at in the data showed that these vaccines were killing massive numbers of people. So I wrote a 150 page article for trial site news on May 25th. And after I did that, I had a scientific advisory board that was focused on early treatments and approving grants, proposals for early treatments. They all resigned within a week after I published that article. They said I was in danger to society. And then I should never talk to them again. And I asked them, okay, so I wrote a 150 page article. Was there anything wrong in the article? They said, we don't want to talk to you. You're wrong. We never want to talk to you again. And so there was this inability to come to grips with actually looking at the data. And so when you try to show people the data, they would run away. And what happened at the very beginning is the same thing that is happening now with Barry Young. So it's interesting that we're coming full circle here. Basically people hide from the data. They run away from the data. Anytime you try to show people, what about this data? They basically say, I don't want to see it, and they run away. And that's what happened then. And the same thing is happening now with what Barry Young did.

[00:06:55] [Russell Brand] It did seem in so many ways, under scrutiny, to be a unique event. Of course, the emergence of a truly global pandemic was in itself significant, and we'd not experienced anything like that. And at the beginning of it, I think there was a good deal of trust. Then there was initially, and I think this is where independent media becomes significant, a round of questions that I became peripherally aware of, just perhaps because of the kind of space I work in, even though the pandemic period has changed my role in public life to do the truth, because it evidently has done yours. Quite a bit. Yeah. I was always regarded as a somewhat kind of anti-establishment voice, but I've been part of the Hollywood establishment. I've existed in those fears and within media. But it's only since I've been speaking openly around these subjects that I've felt threatened in ways that were unconscionable prior to this. Because I think without independent media, I would not have, say someone like Joe Rogan, I wouldn't have heard the views of Jay Baticharya or David Martin or Peter McCulloch. And initially, what they were saying, kind of like what you said, like about your 150-page account or essay, was sort of relatively circumspect inquiry. Just comment like, is it locked down the most effective way to handle this? Is it wise to vaccinate a population during a pandemic? Should a shielding policy be deployed? Does mRNA, is the best use of mRNA technology application? And is it even really a vaccine, as we've typically understood vaccines? Questions were being asked right at the beginning that were regarded, as you describe in your own account, as hysteria. And I suppose heresy, that it was regarded as a kind of anti-Orthodox position to even inquire. And certainly there was a lot of misinformation and doubt cast around any data that was detrimental to the advance of the vaccine program. And that seems to have been your experience. Other than these anecdotal encounters from some people online and people that you encountered, when did you first start to acquire what you would regard as evidence that we were not being given accurate information when it comes to the adverse injuries and potential negative side effects of the vaccine? What were the significant data that you encountered?

[00:09:33] [Steve Kirsch] Well, I think the first significant data that was very clear was the various database. So the various is the vaccine adverse event reporting system. It's equivalent to the yellow card system. It's a bit more extensive. It's more publicly available than the yellow card system. And so you can go and research that database and you can run a bunch of queries. So one of the things that I did is I ran some queries to just see how frequent we're getting events like pulmonary embolism, intracranial hemorrhage, things that you wouldn't normally see. And so I basically looked at every single adverse event that was reported in tally. The number of times this was reported for this vaccine and then compared that number to other vaccines. And with the realization that there were more COVID shots given than a typical vaccine shot and there's some issues with older people, got the COVID vaccine versus other vaccines and so forth. So you had to take that into account. But I was seeing like a thousand times higher incidence rate per dose of vaccine given with COVID shots for some things. Like, you know, pulmonary embolism, for example, was completely off the charts. And so it was amazing to me that the CDC wasn't seeing these safety signals because they were fairly obvious. And there isn't, I looked at to see why the CDC wasn't seeing the safety signals. So I researched and found out what the formula was that they used to generate safety signals and discovered that there's a huge error in the formula that results in masking of the safety signals. So I said, this is interesting. And so I pointed out the error to the CDC, but they never responded. They basically said, we don't wanna hear from you. You must submit it using the public comments feature. And of course, nobody reads the public comments. And so they basically black hole any input and any attempts to reach out to members of the CDC outside committee are met with, you cannot talk to us this way. You must do it through submitting comments into the portal and that we never read. And so there's this, again, this one from the data. So there's a mistake in the formula. It doesn't work if the vaccine is creating huge numbers of adverse events. It masks the ability to generate a safety signal. But it turns out that even though they have a bad formula, this vaccine is so bad, it generated 770 different safety signals. So it generated a safety signal for pulmonary enemblism. It generates a safety signal for cardiac arrest. It generates a safety signal for menstrual hemorrhaging. It generated 770 different safety signals. And what's more important is that the CDC said nothing. They said nothing to the American public. So this is like a 770 alarm going off. Yeah, you have a one alarm fire, a two alarm fire, three alarm fire. This is a 770 alarm fire going off at the CDC. And they decided to say nothing to the public. The only way we actually found out about the 770 different safety signals is because someone sent a Freedom of Information Act request saying, hey, could we see the analysis? That you did with your safety signal analysis and they sent it and lo and behold, 770 safety signals. And even after it was publicly released, the CDC continued to say nothing to the American public. I mean, the level of corruption here is, you know, I would never have believed it if you had told me this.

[00:13:31] [Russell Brand]

[00:16:05] [Steve Kirsch] Yeah, well, you know, I think that there is this inability to, or there's this desire not to look at the data. And I talked to Janet Woodcock, who was current, it was at the time she was the acting head of the FDA. And I said, Janet, you know, we have a big problem here in the VAERS database, and she said, well, that's just because you don't understand how to interpret the VAERS data. And I said, you know, I think I do. And she's basically trying to gaslight me into thinking that I don't know what I'm talking about. And nobody ever gets away with gaslighting me. That tends not to work very well. And so I kept pressing her, and I said, well, you know, maybe you can correct me, maybe you can connect me with one of your experts, and we can have a, on the record discussion about what's in the database because there's no way that this vaccine is safe. And there was never a meeting between me and any of the people that worked for her on telling me, showing me how I got it wrong. So they're basically not willing to engage. And that's been the whole thing. You know, with this record level data from that we're gonna talk about from Barry Young that was released from the New Zealand Ministry of Health, you know, that signal is crystal clear. And I contacted the CDC and the FDA, and I offered this data to them. And I also had a journalist in the medical field do the same thing so that it wouldn't be, you know, me coming. But this person I disclosed it to, he agreed that there was a huge safety signal that the FDA and the CDC should be looking at this. It was offered to the CDC, to the FDA, to the California Department of Public Health, to Moderna and to Pfizer. All of them didn't want to look at the data. And the reason they don't want to look at the data at Russell is very, very simple. If they look at the data, they have to agree that there's a safety signal and they have a responsibility to stop the shots. So the whole deal is run from the data, make sure you don't see the data because then you have plausible deniability. And so the CDC's response was, you know, it's safe and effective and we're not interested in seeing any information that would be counter to what we know because it must be wrong. And so they basically put blinders on and they refuse to see it. Now, the interesting thing is that the CDC never has any vaccination records. They only have the death records and they only have summary stats on how many people have been vaccinated. So they can't do the kind of analysis that is required in order to find a safety signal. So they don't actually know because they don't have the data to actually know. And so they tell the states, hey, it's safe and effective. And the states who have the data and could actually do the analysis don't even bother to do the analysis because the CDC tells them it's safe. So it's the blind leading the blind. The CDC basically says, hey, no need for you to look at the data, it's safe. And so we did a Freedom of Information Act request on California Department of Public Health. And we said, hey, can you show us your time series cohort analysis of your data? And or any, in fact, we asked, is there any analysis that you did to determine the safety of the vaccines? Because the only people who could do the analysis are the states. And if any state is gonna do it, it has to be California because they're huge. They have a lot of people, they have the resources to do this. It doesn't take very long. And they responded and we said, we have no analysis whatsoever. We have no records responsive to your request. So in other words, California has never done a safety analysis of this vaccine. And the CDC is incapable of doing a safety analysis because they don't have the record level data. And so again, it's the blind leading the blind. And so I contacted California Department of Public Health. I said, hey, we see this huge signal in the New Zealand data. It has to be in your data too because it's not only in the New Zealand data, it is also in the UK data. It's in the Israeli data. It's in the Maldives data. And it's gotta be in your data too. I'm sure of it. Could we have a discussion? The answer is no, we don't wanna see the data and we don't wanna talk about it.

[00:20:33] [Russell Brand]

[00:22:06] [Steve Kirsch]

[00:24:31] [Russell Brand]

[Steve Kirsch]

[Russell Brand]

[00:24:41] [Steve Kirsch]

[00:25:28] [Russell Brand]

[Steve Kirsch]

[Russell Brand] The excuse. How did Barry get that information? He worked for New Zealand Health like a government agency.

[00:25:41] [Steve Kirsch] Yeah, He's an Oracle 11 DBA. She's a database administrator. He's a specialist on Oracle. He was tasked with creating the database for this paper dose system in New Zealand. And there are two systems. One of them is pay per dose. And it's just the way that they do billing. And so he has over 4 million records of the 12 million records that exist in New Zealand. So it's a sample of all the vaccination records. And it would be great to get everything. But it's only people who have been vaccinated. It's not unvaccinated people. So a lot of people will like to say, oh, well, that's just people who are vaccinated. You need a control group. And if you don't have a control group, we can't tell anything. And these are, they call themselves scientists. And they say, well, we have to have a control, because how can you see a signal if you don't have control? Well, it's very easy. So if there's a mass shooting, for example, and 25 people are gunned down, and they're all dead, police arrive, do you think they're going to say, well, let's do a comorbidity analysis. And we really need to look at the medical records, because they could have died right before the shot. There are some things that are pretty obvious. If you give people the shot, and six months later, half of them are dead, you don't need a control group on that one, if it's for all age groups and so forth. Now, I'm not saying the signal is that large, but the point is that you don't need a control group. Scientists have been trained like, oh, well, you can't tell causality unless you have a double blind, randomized control trial. And that's just bullshit. People are noticing this themselves. They've never seen so many unexpected deaths, right? And they're putting two and two together, and they didn't need a control group for that.

[Advert] [00:27:32] [Russell Brand]

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[Russell Brand] As a group, there's as large as you indicate four million. Then that's such an extraordinary size. And also from what little analysis we've done, it's like various batches and that there's huge variety between the batches, we should get in itself. I have someone pointed out on our stream. So thank you for that, the other day that at the same time you couldn't talk about vitamin D or natural immunity. The term bad batch was purged from Google. And much of Barry's revelations include the disparity and variation between different batches. I understand what you're saying. So there are people that you absolutely, because the sample size is so large, there are people dying that you just simply wouldn't anticipate dying. I know that there are extraordinary narratives emerging around subjects like long COVID. And even with the myocarditis and pericarditis, there was an attempt to sort of imply that these could be conditions emerging from coronavirus itself to mitigate the stories that have subsequently been verified and accepted by Pfizer that is concomitant with the vaccination process. In addition to the AstraZeneca story here in this country, where for a while they try to mitigate and control that story, but eventually became unavoidable. But Barry Young's revelation, if what you're saying is true, then Barry Young is a kind of Edward Snowden of the pandemic era, finally giving us data that just cannot be countenanced without new and extraordinary levels of propaganda.

[00:30:00] [Steve Kirsch]

[00:33:44] [Russell Brand]

[00:34:55] [Steve Kirsch]

[00:40:15] [Russell Brand]

[Steve Kirsch]

[00:41:18] [Russell Brand]

[00:44:03] [Steve Kirsch]

[00:50:25] [Russell Brand]

[00:50:25] [Steve Kirsch]

[00:52:02] [Russell Brand]

[Steve Kirsch]

[00:52:42] [End of Interview]

[Russell Brand] Click the red awaken button to join our local's community to get early access to interviews, readings from the Holy Scriptures and the Bag of Agita. And to talk about solutions, we're gonna have to change the world to give. I wanna welcome some of our new members, like Junior Hube 3, Dollar D as Rocky, Don't Trip, Swear a Misha and Slappy Tea. Join us tomorrow, not for more of the same, but for more of the different. Until then, if you can, stay free.

TranscriptionSteveKirschRussellBrand2023-12-07 (last edited 2023-12-10 14:41:39 by Jade)